Friday, December 24, 2010

When Was Jesus Born? Does it Really Matter?

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior in early 2007.  I'm a slow learner!  As I began to study the bible and Christmas came around each year, I often wondered when Jesus was actually born.  I never found an answer.  

Then the other day I read an article by Thomas C. Simcox titled What Christmas Is Really About in the magazine, "Israel My Glory" that made my question unimportant.  The relevant part of the article is:

"It doesn't matter that we likely do not celebrate the Incarnation on the precise day Jesus physically came to Earth or that December 25 was probably a pagan holiday.  The important thing is that there is a day each year that we dedicate to the reality that God came to Earth and that humanity's greatest need was about to be met, as the Lord promised in the Hebrew Scriptures.

"Christmas is about the arrival of "a Savior who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11).  And that's definitely worth celebrating."

By the way, if you are interested in getting a free 1-year subscription to "Israel My Glory," you can do so here.  The magazine is published by the Friends of Israel which is "A worldwide Christian ministry dedicated to the support of Israel, the Jewish people, and the message of the Messiah."  It has some excellent articles.

Merry Christmas!


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