Friday, November 12, 2010

Incorrigible Humans

Our Precept Inductive Bible Study finished yesterday.  Over the past 10 weeks we have studied the books of Ezra, Haggai and Nehemiah.  Excellent study!  We finished with Nehemiah yesterday.  Nehemiah covered the period from about 445 B.C. to about 415 B.C.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I adore Nehemiah; what a great leader he was.

Let's do a brief review (see my previous post God Uses Whoever He Chooses! (Oh, my, that rhymes . . .) dated October 31, 2010 for more details):
  • The Jews were in captivity in Babylon which was captured by Persia.
  • The Persians let the Jews go back to Jerusalem.
  • The Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt - completed in 516 B.C. 
  • Ezra, a priest and scribe and lover of the Mosaic Law, went back to Jerusalem in 458 B.C. with the task of teaching the law and setting things up so everyone would follow the law.
  • Over the next years the Jews began to fall away from adherence to the Law. They also made no attempt to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem or Jerusalem itself.  They were more concerned with their own homes outside Jerusalem.
  • In 444/445 B.C. Nehemiah got word from his brother that Jerusalem was still in shambles after all these years.  Nehemiah was heart broken.
  • Nehemiah got permission from King Artexerxes to return to Jerusalem as its governor to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
  • Nehemiah was a great leader and got the job done.  He also got the Jews back on track with their adherence to the Law.  They restored their spiritual lives and had a really big celebration.  
  • Then in 432 B.C. Nehemiah returned to the King in Babylon.  He was gone from Jerusalem for some number of years - probably at least 12 years.
  • When Nehemiah return to Jerusalem, he found the Jews had returned to many of their old ways and the Levites had moved out of Jerusalem to work the fields because the people were not following the Law that required them to tithe their grain, wine, oil, animals, etc. to provide for the Levites.
  • Nehemiah again went about the task of whipping the Jews back "into shape."  
  • If you continue to study the history of Israel, you will see that they didn't stay "in shape" and haven't until this day.  In fact, today there is actually a small group of Jews (in Israel) who want to erase all signs of Judaism from their country (i.e., Star of David, Menorah, etc.) thinking that then the countries around them will accept them.  This reminds us of early on when the Israelites weren't happy with being a theocracy and asked God to give them a human king which He did.  They wanted to be more like the countries around them.     
So, what's the point of listing all these things here?  Just look at U.S. history, the history of most countries, most states, most organizations, most people, me, you.  This pattern of "getting in shape" and then failing to follow through is a pattern that is repeated over and over and over again.  

When our country was founded, we had a wonderful constitution (the Law).  Over the years we have drifted farther and farther away from that Law.  I'm hopeful we will get back on track although I'm not holding my breath.  History does not bode well for that to happen.

What about people who break the law and go to jail later swearing they have learned their lesson and won't do it again.  Some follow through on that but many do not and they end up back in jail. 

What about us, you and me.  Don't we sometimes make New Years resolutions?  Do we follow through with those resolutions.  Not so much.  I just have to talk to my personal trainer to understand that, at least as it relates to exercise.  Many people sign up in January but by the end of February, the ranks have thinned.

How many make resolutions that they will attend church every Sunday?  Then what happens?  Some stick with it and are blessed.  But, many times that resolution is broken - too tired to get up, football games, fishing, you name it.  

As human beings, we often seem not to be able to follow through on our commitments.  It seems to me when I was growing up back in the dark ages more people did what they said they would do.  Today, not so much.   

I don't know why this is, but it is disheartening.  How disappointed God must be when we promise to spend time with him every day and we don't or we promise to attend church every Sunday and we don't.  And, yet, He loves us and continues to be faithful and patient with us.  Of course, he already knows how we will act; it's no surprise to Him but he never abandons us.  For that, I am truly thankful.




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